Optical grating alternative Waters optical product
Chromasir’s optical grating is a replacement of Waters optical grating, which can be for use with the UVD such as Waters 2487, 2489, old TUV, blue TUV, etc. Chromasir insists on adopting state-of-the-art equipment and production workmanship to manufacture those products. They are produced as the affordable replacement of Waters, with the same quality and excellent performance.
Ghost-Sniper Column Chromasir HPLC UPLC column eliminate ghost peaks
Ghost-Sniper column is a powerful tool to eliminate ghost peaks produced during the process of chromatographic separation, especially in gradient mode. The ghost peaks will cause quantitative problems if the ghost peaks overlap the peaks of interest. With Chromasir ghost-sniper column, all the challenges by ghost peaks can be solved and the experiment consumption costs can be greatly lower.